Boy what a sight! The construction crews have been busy since last night, breaking up the surface of SW Capitol Highway between SW 36th and SW 35th Avenues. They continue today digging through the sub-layers down a full 18 inches!
Businesses are OPEN during construction!

Most of the businesses in Multnomah Village are open today. Fat City had a line of folks waiting for their doors to open first thing this morning! Why not? There’s cool stuff going on in the Village – come check it out!
Save BIG during our Construction Savings event!

During the SW Capitol Highway paving project Village Frame and Gallery is offering 10 percent off one, or 15 percent off two or more new custom framing projects. So gather those projects, save BIG on framing and support the Village!

Village Frame and Gallery is located at 7808 SW Capitol Highway, Portland 97219 in the heart of Multnomah Village. We are open Tuesday – Saturday, 10 am to 6 pm.