After what seemed like a long, cool and wet spring, I doubt anyone would argue that summer has arrived in full force. People are out and about, relishing in a new found freedom – smiling, laughing and talking to each other on the street. It feels like we’ve all taken a deep breath and let it out.
At Village Frame & Gallery, we are very happy to restart our monthly Featured Artist shows beginning with pastel artist Susan Kuznitsky.
Featured Artist Susan Kuznitsky

During the pandemic Susan taught online painting classes to an international audience, created a series of online painting demos available on YouTube, and completed commissions in both pastel and oil. Read more about Susan here.

“It is so wonderful to finally be able to share my artwork in person once again! Most of these paintings were done during the pandemic. Many were started as demos for online classes. I always knew the power of art but I truly understand it more than ever now. The feedback from students and collectors during this past year has reinforced this…Art is essential!” – – Susan Kuznitsky

Village Frame and Gallery is located at 7808 SW Capitol Highway, Portland 97219 in the heart of Multnomah Village. Our regular hours are Tuesday through Friday, 10 am to 4 pm and Saturday 10 am to 2 pm.