Growing up in the Chicago suburbs the month of March was my least favorite month. Anticipation for the first lovely snow long passed, the grass was soggy brown, humps of dirty, salty snow slowly melted next to driveways and streets, and the weather! Temps ranging from the teens to the forties; rain, wind, snow or “gasp” the elusive sunny day! March seemed to come in, and out, like a lion. Here in Portland my crocuses are blooming, the buds on the dogwoods down the street are starting to swell and my husband just cut our lovely, green, grass for the third time this year!

And Spring has sprung in the gallery, too. Village Frame and Gallery is pleased to present collage paintings by Eileen Downes for the month of March. Her images of foliage and flowers have created a bright and friendly riot of a garden on our featured artist wall. A most cheerful start to spring!
Artist Statement – Eileen Downes

What does it mean to be a “layerist” painter? My collage artwork is composed of many layers, each significant in the process of my art making. I use bits of torn magazine papers as my “palette of paint” working the image by adding and subtracting tonal values of this paper until I create the effect that I desire. Words, phrases, and imagery from the materials that make up the collage become visible upon close observation of the work adding to the meaning of the piece.
I am continually amazed by specific words that appear almost magically between the torn edges as if they are themselves part of the creator of the artwork. Often I use unusual collage materials such as band-aids, gum and candy wrapers, hierloom family photos, and sentimental letters from which to create my layered images. I add a small amount of oil pastel to each piece to increase the textural appeal, and I leave the rough collage edges visible to add to the layered effect. I hope you enjoy looking at my artwork as much as I enjoy making it.
Artist Reception and First Friday
Village Frame and Gallery will be open late for First Friday with an Artist’s Reception for Eileen Downes from 4pm to 7pm. Your Multnomah Village businesses work hard to bring you fun and unique events and items to browse and buy. It’s time to visit the Village!

Artist Update
Donna Stevens, featured artist and friend of the Gallery, is a Signature Member of the Northwest Pastel Society. Her painting “The Watchers” has recently been selected for the NPS Signature Members Show announcement card. The show runs March 4-26, 2022 at the Scott Milo Gallery in Anacortes, WA. Signature status in this society is awarded after an artist has had works selected by Jurors into the NPS Annual International exhibition in three different years.
Donna will premier her new work,
“60° North Latitude and Beyond,” at Village Frame and Gallery in April!

What’s Going on Next Door?

There’s been a lot of banging and drilling and painting going on! And two days ago there were delectable scents of cooking wafting down the sidewalk. We’re told that ZINC Bistro & Bar will open its doors on March 16th in the space previously occupied by Casa Vaca. Village Frame and Gallery is looking foward to welcoming our newest neighbors!
Village Frame and Gallery is located at 7808 SW Capitol Highway, Portland 97219 in the heart of Multnomah Village. Our regular hours are Tuesday through Friday, 10 am to 4 pm and Saturday 10 am to 2 pm.