Keeping Pace, 30″x30″ and Moving On, 24″x24″
Village Frame and Gallery welcomes Liz Thoresen to the gallery with a selection of dynamic Abstract Paintings. We are thrilled to be showcasing these layered and textural works, that spark imagination and contemplation. On view July 6th-August 23rd!
“The stimulus for painting an abstract is the self-discovery it brings as I layer paint and apply texture while balancing shapes, lines, and color. My prompts are often inspirational lines from a book, song, or poem. Many times they are my emotional responses to current events. Starting with words written on a substrate, I am surprised and energized with what transpires and appears on the canvas as the painting progresses. The unexpected is my goal. Abstracts allow for total immersion, unconstrained by a preconceived image. It is this conversation with the unknown that excites me and keeps me painting over and over. ” -Liz Thoresen

About Liz Thoresen:
Liz Thoresen was born in San Francisco, California, pursued her artistic passion from an early age and became an Art teacher in 1973. Her interest at the time was Ceramics and she moved to Australia where she taught High School art and Ceramics at Caulfield Institute of Technology in Melbourne. After returning to the United States in 1980, she and her husband owned and operated a veterinary clinic for 26 years. She has since retired and has been able to pursue her love of painting full time. She has participated in many local and national group and solo shows. Her art has been published in two books and on the cover of the international magazine, the Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association. She is a member of the International Society of Experimental Artists.

“I live in a beautiful part of the Pacific Northwest where it is easy to find inspiration from many different sources. Ideas come from really seeing the world around me and the process of painting allows me to see that world more clearly. I find inspiration from nature, the weather, conversations, quotations, colors, shapes both man-made and natural, laughter, exercise, and the sheer beauty of the world around me. The magic that happens when color blends on paper, canvas, or board excites me and leads me from painting to painting. My aim is to express an idea in it’s own unique manner which prompts me to approach an idea in a variety of ways. I enjoy painting both representational and abstract and paint from a place of joy and hope my art brings you happiness as well. My studio in Beaverton is on four acres across the street from 500 acres of Federal Wildlife Preserve and in a beautiful valley which provides continual and unlimited inspiration.” -Liz Thoresen
Don’t miss this exhibit on view through August 23rd!
See more of Liz’s work on her website: https://www.lizthoresen.com/
Village Frame and Gallery is located at 7808 SW Capitol Highway, Portland 97219 in the heart of Multnomah Village. Our regular hours are Tuesday through Friday, 10 am to 4 pm and Saturday 10 am to 2 pm.